COVID-19 Mask Update
COVID-19 Mask Update

MSI has remained extremely vigilant over the past two years to don facial coverings with every patient encounter. As a result of updated CDC guidance for various public settings including public schools, libraries, etc., MSI will align with local guidance to make face masks optional beginning next Monday. Effective Monday April 4, 2022, MSI will update it's covid 19 mitigation plan to make face masks optional for patients, staff and providers.
MSI will continue to monitor local covid-19 infection and vaccination rates and will make further changes as necessary.
MSI will continue patient screenings at check-in. As a reminder, if you're sick, you are responsible to notify the office and reschedule your appointment. All other MSI mitigations remain in place including disinfecting surfaces and tables throughout the day, good hand and cough hygiene, and social distancing when possible.
Please note the following important guidance that MSI will follow in alignment with the current quarantine and isolation guidance set forth by the CDC as well as Maryland Health Departments.
Any individual with COVID symptoms should stay home until they have tested and have received negative results.
When an individual tests positive, they should:
- Isolate at home for 5 days* and, if symptoms have resolved, return after day 5 and wear a mask in MSI for the next 5 days. Or,
- Isolate at home for 10* days (required if unable to wear a mask in MSI for the additional 5 days).
- Count the days from first day after symptoms or the first day after a positive test, whichever is earlier. Return date must be at least 5 days after start of any symptoms, with at least 24 hours fever-free without fever reducing medication.
Thank you for your continued vigilance as we work together to defeat covid-19 and promote a healthy community.