COVID-19 Policies and Procedures
COVID-19 Policies and Procedures

At MSI Integrative Healthcare (MSI) Integrative Healthcare our primary concern in the health and safety of our patients and staff. We have committed to the following policies and procedures to create an atmosphere that promotes our position for the care and concern of the public.
Covid-19 Policy: For Patients
- Patients must wear face coverings within the facilities and have their temperature checked by MSI staff upon arrival for appointment. Patients must reschedule their appointment if they have a temperature of 99.6 degrees or higher.
- Prior to each appointment, patients must confirm that they have not been exposed to COVID-19 and report the absence of common COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough, difficulty breathing, or new loss of taste or smell.
- It is the patient’s responsibility to report to the office, prior to an appointment/visit, if they have been exposed to COVID-19 or if they are experiencing symptoms. Appointments must be rescheduled in this case.
- We temporarily discontinue using paper sign-in sheets. We electronically check-in patients instead. This minimizes touch to paper, clipboards, pens, etc.
- If electronic sign-in is not available, sanitized pens are available.
- We encourage patients to sanitize their hands at check-in. Sanitizers are placed at the reception desk and within all treatment areas.
- We limit the number of people within the clinic to 10 and discourage patients from bringing more than one person (nonpatient) with them.
- We encourage patients to sit at least 6 feet apart within waiting areas.
- We ask patients to wait in their cars and will call when the appointment time is ready.
- We removed waiting room materials including magazines, toys, etc.
- We have all patients review our COVID-19 screening intake questionnaire. We make good faith attempts to determine if a patient should not receive treatment.
- We provide patients with face masks if they do not have one when they arrive for treatment.
- By scheduling an appointment, patients understand the health and hygiene measures taken by MSI Integrative Healthcare to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the facilities. Patients also understand that, though measures are taken, MSI Integrative Healthcare cannot guarantee patient safety from COVID-19 and patients assume all risks in being treated within the facilities.
- Employees must sanitize hands, and records body temperature and absence of symptoms upon arrival to work.
- Employees are required to wash hands frequently throughout the day with soap and water for at least 20 seconds,
- Employees wear a facial mask during the treatment of patients within the clinic.
- Employees are encouraged to use disposable utensils, plates, forks, and cups within the clinic.
- All health providers wear facial masks during the treatment of patients.
- Employees are encouraged to stay home if they are sick.
- We encourage respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes.
- We sanitize all equipment. We clean any equipment that is used with any patient between seeing patients. This includes adjusting tables, exercise equipment, modality devices, hand tools, etc. used for treatment.
- We thoroughly sanitize tables, door handles, light switches, countertops, writing tools, toilets, faucet handles, etc. throughout the day.
- We provide single-use paper towels for use at handwashing areas (not fabric).
- We provide alcohol-based sanitizers that are 60-95% alcohol-based to patients and staff. Sanitizers will be placed at the reception desk and within all treatment areas.
- Staff use sanitizer prior to and after treating each patient.
- We make good faith attempts to use EPA-approved cleaners, wear gloves while cleaning, and provide no-touch waste receptacles in all areas of the office and exam rooms.
- We make good faith attempts to follow all CDC and OSHA guidelines.
The Guidelines That We Make Good Faith Attempts To Adhere To Are Listed Here: