News You Can Use!
News You Can Use!
You and your family have our most sincere wishes for a healthy, purposed-filled New Year. We are excited to be part of your best health yet! Exciting News is noted below as well as a Gift Card just for you!
As an important reminder: Most insurance plans and all Medicare policies restart January 1. Be sure to provide us with your most recent insurance or Medicare card as soon as possible to ensure accurate verification and billing. All deductibles, co-pays and co-insurances are due at the time of service and we can provide cost estimates for you! You may email a copy of the front and back of your card to or call or fax in the information. We look forward to taking care of you in 2021 and beyond!
Cheers to your best health!
The MSI Team
Bel Air: (410) 877-8077
Overlea: (410) 882-8955